About GOTOpia June 2021

The GOTOpia conference format was created in March 2020 to make sure our community could continue learning from the brightest minds in tech remotely. Our goal has been to redefine what it means to hold an online conference, and over a series of GOTOpias throughout 2020, we landed on the most effective and engaging way to bring GOTO into the new state of the world. GOTOpia conferences are everything you love about GOTO, all delivered online.

Here’s a snapshot of how past GOTOpia attendees feel about these conferences:

  • 96% of attendees said they would attend another GOTOpia
  • 95% said the event either met or exceeded their expectations
  • Speakers, keynotes, breakout talks, networking sessions and the overall experience all received an average of more than 4 out 5

In 2021 our aim is to raise the bar even further, starting with GOTOpia June 2021.

The theme: Solid Code. Done Right.

We’re gathering the pioneers and game-changing coders who shape our industry and radically improve the way we look at software for 2 full days of conference talks and an additional Chaos Engineering Day track on Feb 9-10, and 1 full day of in-depth masterclasses on Feb 11.

2 full days of keynotes and breakout sessions
We’ll dive into core technical concepts and explore what quality code looks like in 2021 and beyond. Whatever you’re working with — frontend, backend, mobile, cloud services, microservices, events, machine learning, maybe even upcoming technologies like quantum computing — it’s all based on solid fundamentals like programming languages, testing skills, scalability, stability and a focus on the end user. Each session during the two conference days is designed to deliver a blend of eye-opening ideas and the practical skills needed to write software you can be proud of.

The two conference days will be packed with:

We've created a unique conference format that allows each speaker to deliver their talk in intimate sessions repeated throughout the conference. Stick around after each speaker’s talk for a crowd-sourced question-and-answer session, each one meant to open up fascinating discussions outside of the traditional presentation format.

We limit the number of attendees in the room, making each session small enough that everyone can participate in the Q&A.

It wouldn't be a GOTO conference without mind-blowing keynotes from legendary speakers. We’ll have keynotes throughout the conference to inspire and energize you.

Just because we won't be face-to-face doesn't mean we can't all sit together for some food and to share ideas. Join us for a panel with a group of speakers for an open discussion focused on one topic, all over some lunch and a coffee.

Start off the day with some stretching and a session of mindfulness. Our yoga sessions from past online conferences have been much appreciated by our attendees, and we've found it to be the perfect way to kick-start the day.

All the talks will be edited and packaged along with slides and additional learning material for your continued learning post-conference.

An additional Chaos Engineering Day track
Jump into a full track dedicated to taking a look under the hood of chaos engineering. Learn how the top chaos engineering practitioners are using the practice to learn and gain expertise at scale about their critical complex systems every day.

1 full day of masterclasses
Hone in on a topic of your choice with one of our in-depth masterclasses designed for team leads, managers, architects and developers from both enterprise and startup organizations. Current masterclasses include:

What past attendees thought
GOTOpia is an online conference like no other. But don't take our word for it, here's what past attendees have said:

"A great example of a virtual conference that actually felt like a conference, with interaction with real people – not just a bunch of webinars to watch. Kudos to the GOTO team."
Robin Moffatt, senior developer advocate at Confluent

"The combination of topics, sessions and speakers is really great. It is the essence of GOTO in an online format!"
Michael Repplinger, team leader at Dillinger

More about GOTO Conferences
GOTO Conferences brings together software innovators and thought leaders to highlight the technologies, methodologies and skills you need to build systems of the future. Each conference program is curated for developers, by developers and covers the full stack of software development, including DevOps and Security and emerging technologies like Machine Learning and Serverless. Our speakers are leading industry experts who will both inspire you and help you learn the practical know-how to advance your skills!

Creation of the Program
We organize GOTO Conferences with a program committee of respected industry experts who are defining technology today and pushing trends for the future. Our conferences are vendor independent, but we do have a few sponsored talks. We do not have a formal 'Call for Papers', but we are always happy to receive input. If you'd like to be considered as a speaker for a GOTO conference, please fill out this form.

All talks and topics are selected with the goal to inspire and advise on the optimization of business critical IT systems and emerging technologies that will be crucial for future IT solutions.