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GOTOpia Europe 2020

Conference: Sept 15-18

GOTOpia Europe
is reinventing the online conference

We're making sure you leave this unique conference experience with both valuable new ideas and connections.

It feels more important than ever to bring our community together to inspire each other, learn from each other and connect with each other during these uncertain times, and we’re working to deliver the absolute best experience for all of us to do just that.

Get your pass today.

Code with the Experts

We’ve worked with each of our world-renowned speakers to create hands-on, interactive sessions that ensure maximum attention and engagement. Classes are packed with presentations, class discussions, social breaks, small group exercises, training material and in-depth Q&As. A higher quality training session is hard to find!

Masterclasses are held September 15. Browse your options here.

Speakers at GOTOpia Europe 2020

GOTO is all about the talks. We seek the best and brightest speakers from around the world and let them shape the agenda — they're the experts after all.

Watch Videos from previous conferences

We can hardly wait for GOTOpia Europe 2020, but in the meantime, you can watch videos of sessions from previous conference on our YouTube channel.