Trine Engelbrecht Jensen
Design thinker & UX facilitator at Trifork Smart Enterprise#DesignThinking
A natural born facilitator with a deeply rooted ambition of helping others benefit from the mindset, process and methods of design thinking.
Trine has been working within the field for 10 years, simplifying even the most complex processes and systems.
Join Trine and Thomas's masterclass to really start making user-centered, digital applications.
Masterclasses at GOTOpia Europe 2020
Trine simplifies the most complex problems (and has been doing so for the past 10 years)
She is a natural born facilitator with a deeply rooted ambition of helping others benefit from the mindset, process and methods of design thinking.
She experienced facilitator with a deeply rooted ambition of helping others benefit from the mindset, process, and methods of design thinking. She has been working within the field for 10 years, simplifying even the most complex processes and systems, and is currently working as a design thinker at Trifork Aarhus.
Topic focus: Design thinking