Uri Goldshtein
Founder at The Guild, the largest open source group in the GraphQL ecosystem#graphQL
If you need to learn about GraphQL, you call Uri! In this talk he'll show you how to make magic happen with little to no lines of code using GraphQL. Uri's two talks were rated 99% at GOTO Chicago 2020.
1,923 GitHub followers, 24,781 GitHub stars.
Comments from the audience: "Very good! Started out with a brief explanation of Graphql before jumping into the details of this presentation. Very insightful and good answers to questions."
Talks at GOTOpia Europe 2020
Founder of The Guild, the largest open source group in the GraphQL ecosystem and a major contributor to other open api API protocols like json-schema and OpenAPI.
Uri Goldshtein travels around the world building stuff and helping developers. Attending his masterclass will give you the real power of scaling with GraphQL.
Uri started with assembler, C++, then C# and WPF before taking on the web. He will show you how to make magic happen with little to no lines of code using GraphQL. Everybody who thought they made it easy and efficient with REST, is up for a wakeup call!