Daniel Bryant
Speaker at GOTOpia Europe 2020


Daniel is a visionary, an expert to the experts with enormous insights on all things technical and a leader in the Container/Docker/CD space.
He's here to teach you about the evolution of API gateways over the last ten years.

Key takeaways from his talk:

  • Current challenges of using an API gateway within Kubernetes
  • Strategies for exposing Kubernetes services and APIs at the edge of your system
  • A look at one potential future of cloud native API gateways

Straight from past attendees:
"Spot on! Great talk, great speaker and great key takeaways"

  • Author of the top rated "Continous Delivery in Java"
  • A leader within the London Java Community
  • 1,823 GitHub stars

Talks at GOTOpia Europe 2020

Java Champion, coder, and software architect. Daniel is a technology expert, and at the same time a team-building leader. He has built and led numerous teams within the domains of software development, platform engineering, and most recently, developer relations.

Daniel is ambitious about building communities, sharing knowledge, and enabling developers to deliver cloud native software with speed and safety. He is currently working as an independent technical consultant and is also the News Manager at InfoQ, where he helps to curate and peer-review content covering innovation in professional software development.

Topic focus: API gateways, Kubernetes, cloud native

A few of Daniel’s books:

Check out some of Daniel's past talks: