Kirk Pepperdine
Speaker at GOTOpia Europe 2020


Kirk has been performance tuning Java applications for 20 years.

Named a JavaONE rockstar numerous times.

Kirk authored the original Java performance tuning workshop and jPDM.

Cofounded JClarity.

Cofounded JCrete.

A cliff hanger for Kirk's talk:
Kirk knows more about the JVM than most of the engineers that actually build it do. Let him take you to the secrets and dark corners of the JVM. You can ask him anything.

Rated 95% at GOTO Chicago 2020.

Talks at GOTOpia Europe 2020

Kirk has been performance tuning Java applications for over 20 years. He is a frequent speaker at JUGs and conferences worldwide and has been named a JavaONE rockstar numerous times. Kirk authored the original Java performance tuning workshop and jPDM, a performance diagnostic model. This model is the core of the diagnostic engine developed by JClarity, a startup co-founded by Kirk. In 2006 Kirk was named as a Java Champion. More recently he was named as part of the Oracle Groundbreakers and InfoQ influencers. Kirk continues to be an ardent supporter of the Java community, co-founding JCrete, a Java unconference and by helping others establish Java (un)conferences worldwide.

Topic focus: Java

Check out some of Kirk’s past talks: