Allen Holub
Speaker at GOTOpia Europe 2020

#agile #teams

Allen will challenge (and change) your opinion on agile.

In his own words:
“Educating a team slows you down for a week or two. Not educating the team slows you down forever. Time spent in learning is never wasted.”

"I learn something deep every time I talk to Allen or watch him present." - Daniel Steinberg, author, podcaster, trainer, coder, Dim Sum Thinking

  • Internationally recognized software architect
  • Author of 10 books + hundreds of articles
  • Former instructor at UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz

Talks at GOTOpia Europe 2020

Allen Holub is an internationally recognized software architect and agile coach who speaks all over the planet about these topics and agile-friendly implementation technology like microservices and incremental/evolutionary architecture. With 10 books and hundreds of articles on his CV he is still down to earth occuring as the uncle everybody would be lucky to have.

At GOTO Copenhagen Allen Holub will turn agile inside out in an entertaining manner.

Allen Holub has worn every hat from CTO to grunt programmer, and is an expert-level programmer in many languages and platforms. He excels at building highly functional Lean/Agile organizations and designing and building robust, highly scalable software suitable for agile environments.

Warm up with his conversation about software with Uncle Bob: A Path to Better Programming • Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin & Allen Holub