How to Succeed with Online Retrospectives
GOTOpia Europe 2020

How to Succeed with Online Retrospectives

Tuesday Sep 15
13:00 –
€ 300.00

Aino will share her experiences with distributed retrospectives; those that went well as well as those which did not go well. She will describe what worked in those that worked and what did not work in those that did not. You will come away with things to be aware of when preparing a distributed retrospective, how to organise it, how to prepare it and how to facilitate it during the retrospective in a virtual setting. There will be links to different technologies also, but also an opportunity to ask questions and share your own experiences.

The outline of the course is:
1. module: (45 mins)

  • Introductions and expectations
  • Aino gives an overview of the content and we create a plan for what to focus on based on your expectations
  • Focus on planning an online retrospective

2. module: (45 mins)

  • Aino shares anecdotes about online retrospectives
  • Based on these anecdotes she focuses on different patterns and antipatterns (lack of body language, brainstorm online, decision making online, how to follow up when you are not colocated afterwards, how to make sure everyone is heard, etc )

3. module (45 mins)

  • This module is focused on creating a good and trusting atmosphere in an online meeting. We talk about both meetings with people who already know each other and people who have just met online for this meeting. We also look at things that can make the retrospectives fun online.

4. module (45 mins)

  • Q and A
  • Plans for your future online retrospectives
  • Closing

Between all modules there is a 15 minutes break.

Technical setup:
We will use Zoom for the oral communication. Please make sure your sound and video works before we start. We will look at Google Drawing templates for use in online retrospectives, but use Mural for the written communication in the masterclass. This way you will get experience with more tools.

Learning Outcome
After this session the attendees will know what the challenges with facilitating distributed retrospectives is as well as having practical guidelines for what to do to overcome them.

Target Audience
Retrospective facilitators

About the trainer
Aino Corry is a teacher, a technical conference editor and retrospectives facilitator. She holds a masters degree and a ph.d. in computer science. She has 12 years of experience with Patterns in Software Development, and 10+ years' experience with facilitation of retrospectives. For the past 5 years she has been focused on facilitating the agile journey for several companies in Denmark. She also teaches how to teach Computer Science to teachers, and thus lives up to the name of her company; Metadeveloper. She is always interested in hearing anecdotes about octopuses.

Date: September 15, 2020, at 13:00 CET
Duration: 4 x 45 minutes in one day
Technical setup: Zoom, Retrium and Mural
Price: dkr 2,250/ € 300 - excl. VAT